Data d'enviament: 11/04/2022

T'apropem l’actualitat dels digital innovation hubs i les oportunitats de finançament per als vostres projectes.

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Notícies i actualitat
Ahedd is now part of the DIH4CPS network 
Ahedd was selected among the 8 additional DIHs of the DIH4CPS 2nd Open Call. The DIH4CPS consortium consists of 13 initial DIHs from 9 countries in all regions of Europe and 12 additional DIHs after the first Open Call.
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Ahedd joins i4Trust with AgriSpace4Trust experiment
13 European experiments – originating from Spain to Finland – that were selected as part of the i4Trust first open call, are actually running. Formed by one DIH and at least three SMEs, the chosen consortia are fully supported by i4Trust’s key partners who guide them through the implementation, testing, piloting, and scaling of their services.
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Workforce development 
Today, the insights on the impact of the 4th industrial revolution are growing. Companies with a clear Industry 4.0 (implementation) strategy have the ambition to become the best in product development and production so as to strengthen their competitiveness and improve their responsiveness to the customer.
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Digital work instructions with DWI4Manufacturing
In Flanders, there is a large group of companies active in the manufacturing industry, where an extensive set of activities takes place: assembly, quality controls, logistic processes... The production processes used by these companies consist of multiple steps with complex operations, which must be carried out by well-trained and experienced operators in order to achieve the required quality.
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Hub member sovity takes secure dataspaces on the road 
Most startups can only dream of such support: barely founded, sovity is already backed by a strong network of experts and partners from industry and research. Automobile manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW, ICT service providers such as T-Systems, and organizations such as the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) or Gaia-X are behind the idea of the young Dortmund-based company and endorse it.
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ahedd and EY ZHN collaborate to foster innovation
Ahedd and the ecosystem, through a Memorandum of Understanding for Innovation Development signed in December 2021, jointly commit to collaborate systematically to exploit the research results and scientific know-how of NCSR “Demokritos” researchers, to foster Research & Development (R&D) collaborations with the members of the EY ZHN ecosystem.
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The startups and scaleups shaping the net zero future gather under one roof 
Digital Catapult has unmasked the next generation of net zero startups and scaleups during its FutureScope Industrial Net Zero Showcase.On Wednesday 23 March, 32 investment-ready businesses representing the future of low carbon innovation came together under one roof to meet industry and investor VIPs.
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Oportunitats de finançament
Aap Shop4cf (smart human oriented platform for connected factories 
Images & Reseaux. Deadline: 30/04/22. Establish use cases that solve real challenges in a manufacturing environment and improve human safety and well-being at work.
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Flanders Make - Industrial open calls
Flanders Make. Deadline: 22/04/22. Open calls de carácter industrial para empresas. Se categorizan en Investigación Básica Estratégica (SBO) y Valorización y Aceleración de la Investigación Industrial (IRVA).
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Disrupt Me 
EIT Hub Israel. Deadline: 30/04/22. Disrupt Me is an end-to-end innovation program for European corporates seeking to advance their company with groundbreaking Israeli technologies.
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Segona convocatòria DIH-World per a experiments innovadors de digitalització de pimes del sector manufactura
DIH-World. Deadline: 28/06/22. El consorci del projecte DIH-World (finançat pel programa Horizon 2020) llança la seva segona convocatòria oberta per seleccionar i donar suport a fins a 20 experiments impulsats per pimes. 
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